Stone Grave

Kamiana Mohyla (Stone Grave) - The Sacral Place of Power in Ukraine

by Pavlo Korsun
Science & History

14 million years ago Sarmat Sea retreating exposed the sandy hill which over time turned into a solid monolith. Under the influence of sun, wind and rain the hill began to crack. The big boulders slowly began to slip to the ground. As a result a large number of grottoes and caves formed in Kamiana Mohyla.

These grottoes have always attracted people. Various ancient Paleolithic tribes, hunters of era of Copper and Bronze and later steppe nomads Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns and other tribes settled near Kamiana Mohyla using it as a sanctuary. Priests before each important event rose to ancient slopes to carry out magic rites.

In 68 grottoes and caves of Kamiana Mohyla there is a large number of petroglyphic complexes - unique examples of primitive art. More than 3000 paintings from Stone Age to Bronze Age and later create a unique historical gallery. In this gallery there in Grotto Bull there are plates on which featured harnessed bulls, plate of traces with drawings of human dipes, horse plates with horses depicting the first riders on them in Europe as well as separate petroglyphs of carriages, boats, wild animals, solar symbols, scenes of hunting and more.

Based on scientific studies scientists have proven that Kamiana Mohyla is a powerful emitter of energy. On the top of the hill there are 5 stones with positive energy and only one - with a negative.

At various times Kamiana Mohyla was visited by Supreme Lama of Nepal, prominent ocean explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau and other representatives of national and world elites.

Recently Kamiana Mohyla National Reserve became the real center of archaeological and historical science in Zaporizhzhia region. Every year starting in 1932 archaeological expeditions are being held here allowing to discover new monuments of ancient cultures. A unique phenomenon was the discovery of the oldest on Earth so-called "Proto Sumerian Literacy".

Kamiana Mohyla is located near the Sea of Azov and has every reason to become an international center of tourism in the south of Ukraine.