Brad Traversy

Q & A With Brad Traversy

by Brad Traversy
Last updated Oct. 10, 2018

Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years and What Are You Doing?

I see myself being one of the biggest resources for online education both on YouTube as well as premium platforms like Udemy.

I see myself learning more including new languages (C#, Rust, C++) as well as new frameworks and new concepts like Machine Learning and AI. I also have a few ideas for side projects.

As far as what I am doing now, of course the YouTube channel is a huge priority. I try and do a video a few times per week. I am working on a Python Django project based Udemy course and have future courses planned for Vue.js, React Native, a web dev starter course and more.

Your 5 Tips for Someone New to Web Development:

  1. Try not to get overwhelmed: There is a TON of information out there as well as languages, frameworks, etc. Take your time looking at each one and find something you have a knack for. It could be frontend, backend/database, full stack. Find what you are most interested in most and stick with it.
  2. Do not get discouraged and feel like you do not belong: Development is hard. It takes a lot of time and effort to wrap your head around many concepts. You may feel stupid at times, I know I have over and over. Even the best programmers in the world had areas of struggle. Work through it and do not give up. If other programmers are disrespectful and make you feel dumb, ignore them and just know they have self-confidence issues themselves and that’s why they do that.
  3. Don’t get caught up in “latest trends”: Trends change almost daily. Find something you love. I’m not saying pay no attention to what’s hot and what’s not, but do not make your decision on what you want to do based on that alone. Many people do and it’s unfortunate.
  4. Code everyday but also take breaks: I think everyone should code everyday, whether it is a tutorial or your own project or even just reading articles about development. At the same time, it is important to take a break: get up and stretch, go for a walk and refresh your brain.
  5. Build your own projects: Tutorials and courses are great, but you can only learn so much following a tutorial. Take what you learn from those tutorials and create your own stuff. You will learn how to think critically and solve problems much more than you would in a tutorial. Tutorials are important though, especially mine 😊 (just kidding).